Cocoapods Carthage ObjectiveC Swift

Medallia Digital In-App SDK

The In-App solution uses the Medallia Digital mobile SDK to allow apps to embed the Medallia Digital VOC service into native mobile iOS apps.

Once the SDK is embedded and integrated into an app, applications are able to present feedback forms to end users of the apps. Customers can control and edit form content, look & feel and intercept triggering in real-time, from the Medallia Digital self-serve command center. These changes do not require any code changes to the app or the SDK.

See our Quick Start Guide to get basic instructions on to quickly start working on the SDK.

For complete information on integrating, implementing and using Medallia SDK, start with iOS Integration Guide - Setup.


The Medallia Digital In-App SDK can be installed using CocoaPods or Carthage (using private servers), or manually as an Xcode subproject.


When integrating the SDK into your app the below APIs calls may be utilized. Some of these calls require additional setup in the Medallia Digital command center (e.g. Custom Paramters). See iOS integration reference for more information.